There is a certain curse in having too much foresight, it's difficult to focus on the short term. The funny thing is too, the short term ineivatebly leads to the long term. Recently I've spent so much time on planning and looking towards the future, that I lost sight of what's right here in front of me: friends, family, sports, reading, just having fun. The side effect of focusing too much on the bigger picture is that everything also seems just a little bit impossible, you really need to disect big goals into steps and actions.
So what you may ask, does the title or what I've said have to do with anything? The real 1% is getting 1% better everyday. Ah yes the old adage, but it's just so true. By now compounding has truly been established as one of the greatest forces of our modern world1, so why not use this superpower to get incredible ROI on yourself?
I've consciously decided to focus a lot more on my daily routines, making sure I'm actively setting myself up for not only a better long term outcome, but also short term satisfaction. Part of this post is also just cementing in my own mind the power that I should stay committed to this cycle of betterment.
The biggest predictor of happiness is the degree to which we observe that we have control over our lives2. What do we have the utmost control over? Our daily experiences, what we choose to do with our time now, that elusive 1% is a choice.